Our learning environment

It's a whole new world

Adventurous garden

Providing a wide variety of amazing activities including a mud kitchen, planting corner, sandpit and soft building blocks for children to play and develop their fine and gross motor skills outdoors, stimulating critical thinking through the adventure of the outdoor experiences.

Mud Kitchen
Mud Kitchen

Sensory corner

Virtual tour

Our newly developed sensory area is a definite WOW factor when it comes to exploring Light and Sound, touch and feel. It is a fascinating corner where children can calm down and listen to environmental sounds, discover the bubbles and play with our natural materials basket collection


Messy room

Children love messy play. Our Messy room provision truly fosters Curiosity, Imagination and Exploration. It practices good concentration and nurtures future skills. It encourages communication and language development.


Indoor gym hall


Our setting is proud of our indoor space and especially the gym hall. Activities here improve children's Physical & Mental Wellbeing. With an indoor play area, children have the freedom to explore and develop their creativity in a secure and safe environment. 


Imaginative Role play

Virtual Tour

Stimulating children's imagination allowing them to Explore, investigate and experiment. Act out and make sense of real-life situations as well as develop their social skills, as they collaborate with others.


Focus time room


In this room we focus on our children's individual needs and interests in order to boost their focus and attention. Hands - on activities help children to strengthen the muscles of the hand, improve accuracy, and learn functional skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. 
